

When a company conducts an event, it dedicates a lot of time, personnel and money so that it turns out perfectly and achieves the goal: to impact its clients or potential clients.

To achieve this, it is essential to create audiovisual pieces that draw the attention of the audience that enjoys the event live or of those who later want to know about it. For this reason, the videos of Visual Illusion leave no one indifferent. They are modern, agile, eye-catching. They include the latest editing techniques to give a current image of the event or brand, as well as a very fine and quality shoot. We are always on the lookout for the newest and most successful currents in the global audiovisual world to apply them to our work.

Virtual event

At Ilusión Visual we take care of all the necessary audiovisual production for the realization of a virtual event, from the realization of the rundown, to the recording of the different videos, either through virtual meeting programs or with filming on set, to the editing of all the videos and fitting them into a single file and even the streaming service for playback.

We currently cover the 3 types of virtual events that occur in the market:

Recorded event

We film each of the parts, talks or presentations. Depending on the budget, we film it on a set, at the client’s facilities or remotely through of Zoom. Then we edit the pieces, adding music, labels, animations, headers and bumpers, creating a single file that is broadcast in a false direct at the agreed time and day.

This way, everything is controlled. You can repeat the parts that you get stuck, make mistakes…. Also, by adding music, labels, and so on, it becomes much more enjoyable.

Live event

In this case, everything happens live. The speakers are all alert, they go by one by one and the audience can interact at the same time, asking questions or making comments.

In that case, We take care of giving all the speakers training so that the event comes out in the best possible way in terms of image, sound, background and clothing, in addition to taking care of streaming.

Mixed event

Occasionally, we offer this possibility. It is mostly used to make sure that most of it is recorded and everything goes well, also having a final part in direct in which the public can ask questions and interact. In this way you have the good of filming, without losing the grace of live.

Virtual events allow numerous possibilities and they save a lot of costs in relation to a face-to-face event. In virtual ones, yes, the audiovisual part is very important, so it is essential to have the service of an experienced production company such as Ilusión Visual to execute it successfully.

Are you thinking of making a video?

Face-to-face event

We create impact videos for events, as well as summary videos. Powerful music, quality filming, dynamic editing, graphic effects and animated labels are the ingredients we use in making our productions so that those who enjoy them are not left indifferent.

An event video offers the possibility of keeping attendees connected afterwards, of offering those who could not attend a vision of how it was, achieve notoriety in the market, get followers on social networks and call the attention. But to achieve this, the video must be impressive, attractive, have a current style and music that does not leave you indifferent. This is how Illusion Visual videos are. They have all the ingredients to make the dissemination of the event a success.

We cover all customer needs

In our history we have produced events of all styles, sizes, in cities throughout Spain and for companies such as Dell or SAP. Always offering quality products, good service and adaptation to customer needs.

In addition, we offer the possibility of contracting a live editing service.< /span> We edit the video at the same time we record it, in this way, as soon as the event ends, the video is ready to upload to social networks, which allows take advantage of engagement thanks to the speed of its display. The sooner you have the summary of it, the more audience is achieved.


We offer a streaming service to reproduce live or false live an event. We adapt to the needs of the client in terms of audience, public feedback, chat , hosting of the direct, analytical information of the visualizations and target, landing and many more possibilities. Everything the client needs.